
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Its DEGREE life!

I'll be starting my degree life at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus tomorrow! Friggin' excited, like really! I have no friends same course with me, and that actually makes me nervous. Wish me luck please? =]

No classes tomorrow, I supposed. Its Orientation Day. So I shall be getting my academic calendar and time table tomorrow. Fingers-crossed! :)


  1. lucky you! it's like the uni college with the best environment and facilities in malaysia

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  2. Good luck! Uni days are best. No worries, you'll find course mates ti be your buddies real soon! Have fun:D

  3. haha its good what! then u can know more new frens instead of keep staying with the same group of people! ;) anyway have fun! =DDD

  4. best of luck and have fun my dear! Gambadeh,you can do it!
